English Info
- Since 1/2015 accompanist at the Duncan Centre Conservatory in Prague
- Since 9/2014 educational activity – Art School in Brandys nad Labem
- Since 9/2014 to 6/2017 educational activity – Art School in Celakovice
- Since 10/2013 educational activity – International School of Music and Fine Arts
- 2006-2007 hosting in the East Bohemian Theatre in Pardubice
- 2004-2007 educational activity – practice in the Art School in Ricany and Art School in Libcice nad Vltavou
- 2003-2008 teaching activities and accompanist at the Duncan Centre Conservatory in Prague
- 2002-2008 Jaroslav Jezek Conservatory finished with graduation exam (led by Mr. Miroslav Kympl and Mr. Ivan Smažík)
- 1994-2002 Art School in Ricany (led by Mr. Radek Břicháč)